The Burke Master Gardener
Community Garden
Rainfall Calendar
NC State Extension Master Gardeners in Burke County, North Carolina, welcome our gardening friends!

The Extension Master Gardener Volunteers
of Burke County Welcome You!
The Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Association (EMGVA) of Burke County, North Carolina, is a non-profit educational service organization of trained volunteers who provide sound, research-based horticultural information to the community. Our organization is comprised of Burke County residents who are certified Master Gardeners having had the benefit of instruction and training on an array of horticultural topics by acknowledged experts. Our mission is to support Burke County Extension horticulture and education outreach programs with our volunteer activities. Keeping that in mind, Burke Extension Master Gardeners plan our programs and seek out projects where, utilizing our training and skills, we can have the most immediate impact in the community.
Take a look at some of the current projects and programs in which we are involved.

Burke Extension Master Gardeners at Work & Play

Do you have gardening plans today? Click here to check the weather
for our area.

Check us out on Facebook

About Us - The Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Association (EMGVA) of Burke County is a volunteer non-profit organization based in Morganton, NC. Extension Master Gardener programs are active in all 50 states, in four Canadian provinces, and in most of North Carolina's counties. Our group is affiliated with NC Cooperative Extension, Burke County Center. Our members come from all walks of life, and from many parts of the United States. For more information about our organization and to learn how to become an Extension Master Gardener Volunteer, check out the FAQ page.